Salman's Rajasthan driver claims actor did shoot chinkara
Salman's Rajasthan driver claims actor did shoot chinkara
Though the Rajasthan high court on Monday acquitted actor Salman Khan of charges that he shot
endangered chinkara, Harish Dulani, his driver on the day in question, stands by his statement
that the actor did shoot the deer. Dulani had been reported missing for much of the 18 years since the case was filed against Salman Khan,
and said he had been in hiding out of fear, according to NDTV. He claimed that every
time he tried to attend a hearing of the case in court, he was threatened.
Dulani had driven the car that Salman used in 1998, while he was in Rajasthan for a film shoot.
The hunt for deer took place during a break in the shoot, and Dulani told a magistrate when the case was
filed that he had driven the actor during the hunt and that Salman had shot the deer.
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